Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sin & Punishment 2 hits Japan on October 29th

As revealed by Nintendo's own Japanese website, the long awaited Sin & Punishment 2 is finally being released Japan on October 29th. The game has a subtitle 罪と罰 宇宙の後継者[そらのこうけいしゃ| Sora no Kōkeisha). Various sources are saying that it means Successor of the Sky, but there is no way to confirm that at this time.

Nintendo of America stated recently that Sin & Punishment 2 would be released in North America in Quarter 1 of 2010. With a Japanese release around the corner, I hope we get a release date soon! It would be nice if we had it in time for Christmas, but like Endless Ocean 2, probably not until January 2010 :(

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